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Download The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews PDF: A Critique of Jewish Involvement in Sl

The subject at hand is a controversial one and should be approached with great sensitivity. Those who would use this material as a basis for the violation of the human rights of another are abusing the knowledge herein. The wise will benefit to see this as an opportunity to develop a more equitable relationship between the families of man.

download the secret relationship between blacks and jews pdf

BMI was significantly higher in women with high adjusted PMD by the Wilcoxon rank-sum test, but not by the t test (P = 0.6). Our initial method of adjusting PMD for BMI assumed a linear relationship between BMI and PMD, while the relationship is in fact nonlinear, especially at higher BMI values (Figure S3 in Additional File 1). Women with higher BMI values were therefore over-represented in the group with higher adjusted PMD.

We examined the association between PCs from the genetic ancestry analysis and adjusted PMD. We identified a significant association between PC1 and adjusted PMD (P = 0.004). Comparing the distributions of PC1 values between women with high and low adjusted PMD, we found that women with low PC1 values were over-represented in the high adjusted PMD group and women with high PC1 values were over-represented in the low adjusted PMD group (Figure 2). Using transformed values of PC1, with 0 representing the least amount of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry as measured by PCA and 1 representing the greatest, having a PC1 value of 1 corresponded to an odds ratio (OR) of 2.0 for having high adjusted PMD. To adjust for the nonlinear relationship between BMI and PMD, we re-adjusted for BMI by quartiles (Table 2) and by deciles (Table S3 in Additional File 1) in multivariate analysis. The multivariate adjusted OR for the association of PC1 and adjusted PMD after adjusting for BMI by quartiles is 2.2 (95% CI = 1.4 to 3.6). The same OR after adjusting for BMI by deciles is 2.2 (95% CI = 1.3 to 3.6). We also analyzed our data by clustering women into subgroups based on the PCA results (Figure 1). The group of women that clustered with Ashkenazi Jews (Group 4) had an OR of 1.60 (P = 0.01; Table S4 in Additional File 1) of having high adjusted PMD compared with the group of women who clustered Northern Europeans (Group 1).

Finally, our adjustment for the effect of BMI on PMD as part of the sampling did not completely eliminate the association between PMD and BMI. We noted an association between BMI and adjusted PMD, even after we had adjusted PMD for BMI. We believe this association was due to a nonlinear relationship between BMI and PMD, especially at higher BMIs. We therefore stratified by BMI quartile and by decile and re-adjusted for BMI in the multivariate analysis using these categories, and did not detect any attenuation of the main association between ancestry and adjusted PMD. Future studies of PMD may benefit from adjusting for BMI initially by categories rather than using a linear regression to avoid having to adjust twice.


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