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Border hindi eng torrent: The ultimate guide for Bollywood movie lovers

Let me, however, affirmthat the Clinton visit has raised the levels of hope byseveral notches, and that the American President seems tohave perhaps exceeded the brief carefully crafted by histhink-tank and the allied interests. All these areobviously good signs, but these would remain cold comfortif on all the three major issues — cross-borderterrorism, respect for the LoC, and the threat of asudden nuclear strike — Pakistan’s attituderemains as refractory and wanton as at this moment. Infact, the American media and commentators have alreadyreported Clinton’s failure in Islamabad, despite histough talk and reprimand. Nor has his judicious mix offriendliness and admonition in his well-pondered TVaddress impressed the Pakistani people, nurtured for longon a diet of hatred and dark designs. The mullahs remainsullen and unimpressed and the youth incensed and primedfor Jehad as ever.

The rationale to targetthe Sikhs on such a scale in Chatti Singhpora is somewhatpuzzling. Killings of Hindus in such numbers could havebeen easily carried out elsewhere in J and K with similaraim and purpose. If the intention was to merely reaffirmthe view that J and K is the most dangerous place and apossible nuclear flashpoint, as noted by the AmericanAdministration prior to Mr Clinton’s visit to India,then the militants of various hues operating in the Statecould have chosen a target other than the Sikhs forcreating the same impact. It could be a case of a foul-upor misdirection from the controlling authorities fromacross the border. Now intelligence reports relating tothe intercepts from across the border instructingterrorist groups to target the Sikhs during the Clintonvisit are being noted. What exactly was the action takenon these intercepts is not spelled out. This sort oflackadaisical approach to intelligence work so soon afterthe Subrahmanyam Report on the intelligence failure inKargil merely affirms that, ‘business as usual’attitude continues to prevail.

Border hindi eng torrent

When the initialmigration of Pandits from the Valley started and thefirst set of batches arrived in Jammu in the refugeecamps set up for them, there was palpable tension in thetown. As a corps commander in the Jammu region Iimpressed upon the then Governor that the camps should beestablished in the Valley itself and provided thenecessary protection. Such a step would have sent theright signals to the initiators of the migrations andthat ethnic cleansing and driving out the minoritycommunities by the majority would not be allowed tooccur. Nothing was done and the trickle soon became atorrent. The ethnic cleansing and migration of thePandits was complete and the mighty Indian State lookedon helplessly.

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